Follow this format: - Quote :
[Who you are]
[What your capable of doing]
[How long have you been working with Private Servers]
[Why you want to be a Game Master]
[Extra Information]
[What will you do if you find a hacker? Use details.]
[What will you do if people beg you for an event? Use details.]
[What will you do if two or more people have an issue at the same time? Use details.]
[What are you suppose to do before banning someone?]
Example:[Who you are]My name is Paul, I am a 17 year old chinese guy in Florida.
[What you are capable of doing]I am pretty adept in Photoshop and Flash and am good at making banners and other things. I have the whole Adobe CS3 Master Collection Professional so if you want me to help with the website, I could try and see what I can do in Dreamweaver CS3.
I have been a GM in 2 servers prior to finding this one, FaceMS [Low Rate] and ExtaMS [Mid Rate] and was very successful in being a good game master. I am online about 8 hours a day and I can host events, ban hackers, and inform new players to pave the way to their, and our, success. Both servers are no longer available.
During my time as a GM for both servers, I served loyally and faithfully and was complimented on both my hardwork, dedication, and overall being a beast with helping the community ;]
[Why do you want to be a Game Master]I am interested in being a GM to this server because since it is relatively new, I would like to aid in the growth and development of it's community and everything else as a whole. I enjoy helping new players and helping the original game creators while they have their own busy lives to attend to.
[Extra Information]I am a strict Bera player on Global MapleStory with 15-17 accounts. I have played since v11 in 2005. My main characters are AZNicDUDE(89), AZNicMuffin(80), AZNicPriest(90), and zDarkWoifz(97).
I am extremely active on the computer and even have 2 computer classes for my Junior year. I plan on majoring in Web Design, Graphic Design, and Animation in college.
My AIM is AZNisPolly and my MSN is
If am I accepted in being a GM for this server, I will gladly serve it to the best of my ability :].
Examples of my work in Photoshop are as follows:
Examples of my work in Flash are as follows:
[What will you do if you find a hacker? Use details.]Use your own reasoning or answer.
[What will you do if people beg you for an event? Use details.]Use your own reasoning or answer.
[What will you do if two or more people have an issue at the same time? Use details.]Use your own reasoning or answer.
[What are you suppose to do before banning someone?]Use your own reasoning or answer.